Šuma, drvo, skoro, skroz

istraživanje οργασμός

prema knjizi Book of Orgasms Nin Andrews
autori projekta: Nora Krstulović, Vedran Peternel
autorice likovnog oblikovanja: Zita Nakić – Vojnović, Klasja Habjan
scenografija: SKROZ
oblikovatelj svjetla: Saša Fistrić


Adriana Šnajder
Ines Cokarić
Ivica Gunjača
Sanja Mataga
Šime Zanze
Vedran Peternel
Zvonko Hrabar

«Ponekad smo potpuno spremni. Uvijek u krivo vrijeme, ali koje bi ponekad moglo biti pravo. Pogledamo se i znamo. Vrijeme je da skinemo odjeću.»

Predstava naslovljena ‘Šuma, drvo, skoro, skroz‘ nastala je prema kultnoj knjizi američke underground autorce Nin Andrews, ‘Book of Orgasms‘, za koju kritičari tvrde da je nalik na kombinaciju rukopisa SwiftaBorghesa i – Buñela.

Takav je predložak kolektivu SKROZ poslužio kao polazište višemjesečnog istraživanja sa sedmeročlanim glumačkim ansamblom Studija KUBUS.


Sometimes we are absolutely ready. Always at the wrong time, but sometimes it could be the right time. We look at each other and we know. Time to take off our clothes. »

Forest, timber, hardly, quite’ was adapted from ‘Book of Orgasms’, an underground cult classic by Nin Andrews, a book that critics claim to be a unique blend of the influences of SwiftBorges and – Buñuel.

‘Book of Orgasms’ is actually a collection of playful fictions or prose poems, mapping the imaginary terrain of that upper realm, the place where euphoria endures. And yet – curse or blessing – the gravity of our desire, the weight of our humanness, continually pulls us back from it.

The SKROZ collective used the book as a starting point for the several months long research project with the seven-member ensemble of Studio Kubus, to create a theatre  piece that deals with questions of control, personal freedom and love.