autori & redatelji: Nora Krstulović & Vedran Peternel

zvuk & oblikovanje zvuka: Vedran Peternel

scenografija: SKROZ

kostimografija: Hana Letica

oblikovanje svjetla: Saša Fistrić

scenski pokret: Tina Hofman, Mateja Majerle, Nora Krstulović, Vedran Peternel

izvodi: Tina Hofman / Mateja Majerle


fotografije: Julio Frangen
grafičko oblikovanje: Zita Nakić Vojnović & Klasja Habjan


stručni suradnici: Norbert Schnell, istraživač u timu RealTime Musical Interactions, IRCAM – Centre Pompidou & Frederic Bevilacqua, voditelj Real Time Musical Interactions  tima, IRCAM – Centre Pompidou


produkcija: Mala scena & SKROZ

producent: Vitomira Lončar

asistent produkcije: Tatjana Lisac


premijera: 13. veljače 2014.Conceived and directed by: Nora Krstulović & Vedran Peternel

Soundscapes & Sound Design: Vedran Peternel

Set design: SKROZ

Costume design: Hana Letica

Light design: Saša Fistrić

Performer: Tina Hofman/ Mateja Majerle

Produced by: Mala scena & SKROZ


Visual identity: Zita Nakić Vojnović & Klasja Habjan

Photography: Julio Frangen

Expert collaborators: Norbert Schnell, Researcher and Developer, Real-Time Musical Interactions, IRCAM – Centre Pompidou & Frederic Bevilacqua, Head of the Real Time Musical Interaction team at IRCAM – Centre Pompidou

MAX MSP collaborator: Ivan Marušić Klif


Produced by: Mala scena & SKROZ with the support of Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia & French Cultural Institute in Zagreb


Producer: Vitomira Loncar


Production Assistant: Tatiana Lisac

 auteurs et metteurs en scène: Nora Krstulović & Vedran Peternel

conception et design sonore: Vedran Peternel

scénographie: SKROZ

costume: Hana Letica

lumière: Saša Fistrić

interprète: Tina Hofman / Mateja Majerle


photographe: Julio Frangen

identité visuelle: Zita Nakić Vojnović & Klasja Habjan


support technique: Norbert Schnell, chercheur et développeur, Interactions musicales temps réel, IRCAM – Centre Pompidou & Frederic Bevilacqua, responsable de l’équipe Interactions musicales temps réel à l’IRCAM – Centre Pompidou

support technique MAX/MSP: Ivan Marušić – Klif


production: Mala scena & SKROZ

productrice: Vitomira Lončar

assistante de production: Tatjana Lisac


première: 13. février 2014. @ théâtre Mala scena – Zagreb, Croatie